UXNZ 2023 Conference talk
UXNZ 2023 - Te-Whanganui-a-Tara, Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand
How the relationship between Product Owners and Designers can impact human centred design
Working in a multi-disciplined product team can be daunting, but how can those relationships be built on, and what does that mean for your team, your stakeholders and the users of the product.
A UX designer’s role is to look at how a user interacts with the product at hand and identify where there are areas for improvement, while a product owner’s role is to streamline the execution of priorities to ensure an MVP is delivered. So what does it look like when balancing these two roles to benefit the end user?
We cover the journey of raising the customer’s voice to be heard in a cohort of users that felt particularly disenfranchised. This posed a challenge for the product team’s delivery and was further complicated by the business group we worked with being new to continuous improvement and delivery.
This talk investigates how the importance of relationship building between stakeholders, product owners and UX designers is integral to assumptions being challenged and the customers feedback to be heard.